Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bruce Family

This little baby is turning one soon! She has a beautiful family who loves her very much! Very easy-going and relaxed. It did take alot of bird-noises and baby sounds to make her smile for the weird black thing (my camera) in front of her. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Gunner

Baby Gunner is the first baby I did a session of last year. His mom and I are friends from when we were young. I don't see many babies though. I'd love to take pictures of yours so e-mail me!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Micah and Crystal

Crystal with the flair for the dramatic and Micah just being her man and having fun! They were a very engaging couple to take some pictures of!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ryan and Courtney's Wedding

I went shoot a wedding with my friend one Saturday night and I found I knew the bride from back in the day! The ringbearer and flowergirl are her beautiful children. Ryan and Courtney are soooo in love as you'll see. Enjoy!